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Best Picnic Spots in Strasbourg and Surrounding Areas

Home Summer near you Best Picnic Spots in Strasbourg and Surrounding Areas

In the shade of a tree in the height of summer or under the gentle rays of springtime or during Indian summer, Strasbourg and the municipalities of the Eurometropolis are rich in picnic spots.

Accessible by tram, on foot, or by bike, follow us for a non-exhaustive selection of the best picnic spots in Strasbourg and the surrounding areas in the municipalities that make up the Eurometropolis.

Picnic in the large parks of Strasbourg

Avec ses grands et magnifiques parcs labelisés Eco-jardin, Strasbourg offre de beaux espaces de pique-nique sans quitter la ville.

Le parc de l’Orangerie

With its large trees, vast lawns, flowerbeds, a small lake, and diverse fauna and flora, this park is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Le jardin des deux rives

This cross-border park offers stunning views of the Rhine River and the city of Kehl, Germany. You can picnic on either the French or German side of the river.

Le parc de la Citadelle

This park is located on the former Vauban fortifications and is a popular spot for families. It also has plenty of space for jogging, basketball, or leisurely strolls.

Le parc du Heyritz

This park is the closest to the city center and also the newest. It has a large playground for children and plenty of space for adults to relax.

Schulmeister Park on the Meinau side, Contades Park in the eponymous district, and Pourtalès Park on the edge of the Robertsau forest, which is classified as a nature reserve, are also among the classics that offer beautiful picnic areas in Strasbourg.

Picnic in surprising or secret places in Strasbourg

Le square Louise Weiss

Located in the historic Petite France district, this square offers stunning views of the city and has barbecues available for public use.

Le quai des Bateliers

This spot along the Ill River offers beautiful views of the cathedral and the water. It's a popular spot for romantic picnics.

Along the Ziegelwasser

This off-the-beaten-path spot is located in the Neudorf district and offers a shady retreat under the trees.

Parc Albert Schweitzer

This park in the Koenigshoffen district is home to a variety of rare and old trees, and squirrels are often seen scampering about.

Picnic in the communes around Strasbourg

Nous avons sélectionné 3 lieux de pique-nique aux portes de Strasbourg. Mais dans les 33 communes que composent l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg, les possibilités sont immenses !

L’étang de Hangenbieten

This pond is located just 10 km from Strasbourg and is a great place to spot deer. It is also accessible by the scenic Bruche Canal bike path.

Le plan d’eau à Plobsheim

This lake in the heart of the Ried marsh offers a picnic area with stunning views of the water. You can also watch the ducks, swans, and other birds that live on and around the lake.

La ballastière de Bischheim

This spot offers both beach and grassy areas for picnicking. You can also go for a swim in the lake (supervised swimming from mid-June to the end of August).

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