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Digital Accessibility

Home Legal notices Digital Accessibility

The City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg are committed to ensuring accessibility compliance on their websites.

What is Digital Accessibility?

For a website to be considered accessible, all its content must be perceptible, usable, understandable, and robust for every user, regardless of potential physical or cognitive disabilities, the equipment used, or the quality of their internet connection.

Measuring a website's accessibility is done by considering all the current standards outlined in the General Accessibility Reference for Administrations (RGAA).

These standards must be considered when creating any new digital tool (website, application) and with every update, whether technical, graphic, or editorial.

Accessibility Declaration

In an effort towards inclusion, the City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg are committed to making strasbourg.eu, as well as all associated websites, accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.

To this end, a multi-year accessibility plan has been developed and published to guide this compliance process, with the goal of progressively improving the websites of the community.

A comprehensive audit is currently being conducted to determine the compliance rate of ete.strasbourg.eu and to provide concrete solutions for currently inaccessible content. The results will be gradually published on this page.

Non-compliant Content

The following content has been deemed inaccessible and could significantly impact navigation comfort. These issues will be central to future site developments to ensure compliance with RGAA v.4 recommendations:

  • Several images are not accessible via a screen reader as they lack alternative descriptions or have descriptions that are insufficiently detailed.
  • Links (internal and external) do not always include titles, and sometimes are broken or empty, preventing proper access to the content they refer to. Additionally, some links do not indicate their target (current tab or new tab), which can confuse users about their location within the browser.
  • The structure of some pages' content needs improvement as it does not always follow the hierarchical standard of Title 1 > Title 2 > Title 3, etc.
  • Form fields and buttons do not consistently provide labels to clearly identify their purpose, or the labels are not relevant.
  • The content of iframe blocks is not clearly presented and does not indicate the main functions of these iframes.

Exemptions for Disproportionate Burden

Given the number of videos and PDFs offered by strasbourg.eu and its associated sites, it is considered that the effort required to make all these documents compliant is disproportionate for the institution.

The City and Eurometropolis of Strasbourg, however, commit to providing accessible alternatives to videos and PDFs upon request.

Moreover, in the future, and as much as possible, the videos and PDF documents made public on the institution's website may be reviewed for compliance.

Content Not Subject to Accessibility Obligations

Content imported from external services is not within the scope of the accessibility obligation. This exception applies to the following content:

  • News feeds imported from social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • This site includes videos published on external platforms (Dailymotion, YouTube, Vimeo). The players for these third-party applications are not subject to accessibility obligations.
  • The script for the Tarte au citron cookie management service.
  • Interactive maps imported from the Google Maps tool.

Reproductions of handwritten archival documents or those that do not allow automatic transcription are also exempt.

Site Use Assistance

Site Organization

This site is structured into three main sections. All these sections are accessible from the main menu:

  • Grand Spectacle
  • Key Moments
  • Practical Information

A breadcrumb trail located under the header allows users to navigate the site and retrace their steps.

A search engine accessible in the header of all pages supplements navigation.

A site map accessible in the footer of all pages also aids navigation.

The site logo, located in the header, is a link to return to the homepage in one click.

Tab Navigation

This site allows the use of the "Tab" key to target the next link in the HTML code. Once the link is selected, pressing "Enter" will access it.

Title Navigation

Navigation within the pages and using assistive technologies can be done through structured titles:

  • Heading 1 corresponds to the page title.
  • Heading 2 leads to the article subtitles.
  • Heading 3 structures the content of subtitles into more detailed sections.

Browser Compatibility

This site is optimized for the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari

Screen Compatibility

This site was designed with responsive design recommendations in mind. It adapts easily to all types of screens, including computers, tablets, and mobile devices.

Font Size

The font size can be adjusted by pressing Ctrl and + or Ctrl and - on the keyboard. Ctrl and 0 returns to the original size.

Technologies Used for Site Development

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • ARIA
  • Liferay content management tool

Service Improvement and Contact

If you cannot access content or a service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.

Send a message

Recourse Methods

This procedure should be used in the following case:

You have reported an accessibility defect to the website manager that prevents you from accessing content or one of the portal's services, and you have not received a satisfactory response.