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Phosphorescence over the west front of the Cathedral

Home Summer Event Phosphorescence over the west front of the Cathedral

Phosphorescence over the west front of the Cathedral

Phosphorescence over the west front of the Cathedral

Come and rediscover the Cathedral - contemplate it in an entirely new way thanks to the illumination designed by Daniel Knipper, light designer.

This illuminated of the west front (rose window side) will reveal details of Strasbourg's most iconic building and UNESCO World Heritage site, that are invisible in the daylight. Admire it once, then return the same evening, and repeat the experience several times over the summer - you're sure to be surprised by something new in Strasbourg's iconic monument every time. You'll be able to see the sculptures, the gargoyles and grotesques and all the architectural details of this impressive stone vessel that stands right in the centre of our city. Then see it again in the daytime with the night-time images, so that a new impression is possible with every look.

Illuminated from nightfall to midnight.