Long live sport, long live the Olympic and Paralympic Flame of Paris 2024!

The Olympic Flame arrives in Strasbourg on Wednesday, June 26th.
To fully enjoy this unique moment, the City offers numerous entertainment venues along the route, open to everyone free of charge.
Come with family and friends, and conclude this magical day celebrating the passage of the Flame, symbolizing fundamental values in sport, friendship, respect, and excellence. Free sports activities on various squares from 1:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Don't miss the arrival of the Flame and the lighting of the cauldron at Place Kléber at 7:20 PM.
The Paralympic Flame passes through Strasbourg on Sunday, August 25th.
From August 25th to 28th, around 1,000 torchbearers will carry the Paralympic Flame through fifty cities in France. For the first time in history, the Paralympic Flame will traverse the entire country and make a stop in Strasbourg on August 25th, 2024. Departure at 3:30 PM, in front of the Council of Europe. Free sports and activities in the Parc de l’Orangerie.
From June 28 to 30, "Place au Sport": at Place Kléber, free activities will be offered for the general public and schoolchildren. On Saturday evening, sports demonstrations will take place in a ring until 10:00 PM (by registration).
On Wednesday, July 3, from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM at Île aux Sports in Strasbourg: the 6th edition of Périfoot, a soccer tournament bringing together over 400 children from around forty after-school programs in Strasbourg.
...and throughout the Eurometropolis: While Strasbourg hosts the Olympic Flame on June 26 and the Paralympic Flame on August 25, municipalities across the Eurometropolis are joining the momentum generated by the Paris 2024 Games and offering various sports activities.
Sports Fields
Are you more into active, playful, social, or relaxing summer activities?
This summer, come celebrate the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Paris at one of our three sports fields, where you can try out various sports featured in the Games. The City of Strasbourg invites you to stay active all summer with activities for the whole family.
On the agenda: Equipment rental, canoeing, paddleboarding, horseback riding, boxing, fencing, adult fitness classes, yoga, board games, basketball or football tournaments...
- Baggersee Sports Field: Soft practices from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM on Wednesdays and from Friday to Sunday. Sports and playful activities from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM, Wednesday to Sunday.
- Hautepierre Sports Field - Sports Park: Adult sessions in the morning and family activities from 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM, Wednesday to Sunday.
- Citadelle-Vauban Sports Field: Activities from Wednesday to Saturday, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and on Sunday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Free animations, free entry.

- Hautepierre Sports Field: Sports Park of Hautepierre
- Baggersee Sports Field: Baggersee Water Plan
- Citadelle-Vauban Sports Field: Citadelle Park and behind the Wacken swimming pool
From July 10th to August 23rd Hours vary depending on the sports fields See schedule Hours may vary depending on the sites Information at +33 (0)3 68 98 51 09
From July 10 to Friday, August 23, Sports Fields: multiple free sports, leisure, and wellness activities (Olympic and Paralympic sports, canoeing, kayaking, paddleboarding, evening sports tournaments, pétanque, boxing, graffiti, board games, breakdance, gentle exercises, equipment rental, group classes for adults and family activities, bike repairs...) across the 3 Sports Fields of the City.
- Sports field Baggersee, activities from Wednesday to Friday from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, and from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekends.
- Sports field Hautepierre, activities from Wednesday to Sunday from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
- Sports field Citadelle-Vauban, activities from Wednesday to Saturday from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and on Sunday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Programmes des Plaines sportives
August 25: Meet at the Paralympic Village in Parc de l’Orangerie.
Program details for the festivities will be announced soon.
Other Sporting Events
New for 2024
- Open Swim Stars Saturday, July 20th, at Austerlitz and Dusuzeau basins,
- from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Come challenge yourself in this open water swimming competition (1 km for ages 10 and up, 2.5 km and 5 km).
- Info and registration
Back to Sport
Les 30 et 31 août et le 1er septembre, place Kléber
Tous publics - Gratuit
Venez découvrir la diversité des activités sportives par + de 50 clubs sportifs.
Au programme : arts martiaux, danses, gymnastique, baseball, escalade, rugby, handball et encore d’autres sports …. Animations, démonstrations, initiations pour tous et toutes.
Plus d’information : Office des Sports de Strasbourg et au 03 88 31 83 83
- August 30th and 31st and September 1st, Place Kléber
- All ages - Free
- Come discover the diversity of sports activities by over 50 sports clubs. On the program: martial arts, dance, gymnastics, baseball, climbing, rugby, handball, and more... Animations, demonstrations, initiations for everyone.
More information: Strasbourg Sports Office and at 03 88 31 83 83